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BE Advised

The place to go for undergraduate advising in biological engineering


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College of Engineering Forms

Please read the below instructions prior to taking any action:

  1. Please work with the necessary approvers ahead of time to collect the permissions and approvals you need (i.e. via email). All necessary permissions and approvals for the particular form must be included on the forms itself or sent all together as attachments to your email at the time of your submission. Incomplete forms may not be accepted.  
  2. Any e-signature or department approval must be sent from a Cornell assigned email otherwise they will not be accepted.

Send the PDF Forms below via email attachment directly to Engineering Registrar (in the spaces for signatures, indicate “see attached email” if applicable):

Submit the below Electronic Forms online:

Send the PDF Forms below via email attachment directly to Engineering Advising at (in the spaces for signatures, indicate “see attached email” if applicable).  All necessary signatures, approvals, and supporting documentation (i.e. syllabi for the Transfer Credit Application) for the particular form must be included and sent all together as attachments to your email at the time of your submission. Incomplete forms will not be accepted and will be sent back to you.

Send the PDF Form below via email attachment directly to the department offering the minor:


College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Forms


BEE Departmental Forms

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