Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Who checks that I’m satisfying the right requirements? Will my adviser do this or do I need to approach someone about it?
A1. You are personally responsible to know if you are satisfying the requirements for the BE program. This means that it’s up to you to check with your faculty advisor, the BEE student services office (207 Riley-Robb), Engineering Advising (if you are in the CoE Independent Major) or CALS Student Services (if you are in the CALS Interdisciplinary Major) to get feedback on your courses to date and your plans for future semesters. The best way to prepare for such a meeting is to bring along a draft 4-year course plan and Program Progress Form (PPF), then talk about the discrepancies if any, your goals, and how to fit the learning experiences most important to you, into a short ~4 academic years.