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BE Advised

The place to go for undergraduate advising in biological engineering

Sample curriculum

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A sample 8-semester plan. Yours will most likely be different. You can make schedule here.

Fall Semester (All Fall courses) Spring Semester (All Spring courses)
Freshman Year
MATH 1910, Calculus I 4 MATH 1920, Calculus II 4
CS 1112, Intro Computer Prog  4  PHYS 1112, Mechanics 4
BIOG/BIOSM 1500, Bio lab  2  ENGRI 1XXX  3
CHEM 2070 or 2090, Gen Chem 4  Intro Bio  3
First Year Writing Seminar  3  First Year Writing Seminar  3
BEE 1200, The BEE Experience 1
 17  18
Sophomore Year
MATH 2930, Differential Equations  4  MATH 2940, Linear Algebra  4
PHYS 2213, Electromagnetism 4 CHEM 1570, Organic Chemistry 3
BEE 2510 or BEE 2600, Mass and Energy Balance 3 BEE 2220, Biokinetics and Thermo 3
Intro Bio 3 ENGRD 2020, Mech. of Solids 4
 Liberal Studies 3 Liberal Studies Elective  3
17 17
Junior Year
BEE 3500, Heat and Mass Trans. in Biol. Eng. 3 BEE 3600, Molecular and Cellular Bioeng. 3
BEE 3310, Bio-Fluid Mechanics 4 BEE 3400, Des. and Anal. of Biomaterials 3
BIOMG 3300, Biochemistry 4 BEE 4500, Bioinstrumentation 3/4
CEE 3040, Uncertainty Analysis 4 Biol. Sci. Elective, upper level 3
Liberal Studies Elective 3 Liberal Studies Elective 3
18 15/16
Senior Year  
Biol. Eng. Focus Area Elective  3/4 Biol. Eng. Focus Area Elective  3/4
Biol. Eng. Focus Area Elective  3/4 Biol. Eng. Focus Area Elective  3/4
Advisor Approved Elective  3 Biol. Eng. Focus Area Elective  3/4
Liberal Studies Elective  3 Advisor Approved Elective  3
Liberal Studies Elective 3
12/14 15/18


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